Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sinuous - An HTML5 canvas game. Avoid the red dots!

HTML 5 Canvas game! <~ The incredible HTML5 Browser online game
I think this is just really cool and fun and thought some of you would get a kick out of it like I did. Nerds rule!

18 Incredible CSS3 Effects You (MIGHT) Have Never Seen Before

Hey Guys and Gals,

I found this site and thought it had some cool tricks on it : CSS3 Effects
One of my favorite things is the use of CSS and jquery (if you haven't checked out jquery, I totally recommend it because it is super fun and slick). Here is a demo that the link above offers: jQuery and CSS menu
These things are cool for creative sites (such as photography etc...), but you can also do some neat stuff that has a more professional feel.

Lots of cool new things. Comment with any ultra cool stuff you find!